
Friday, May 13, 2011

Temple Sree Padmanabhaswamy

A Hindu temple in India, save the treasure whose number is staggering. The temple was storing such valuable property in the form of gold coins, jewelry and other valuables.

It is estimated that property not been closely guarded not have a value of USD22 billion, or about RP187, 3 trillion (Rp8.514 per USD). Unknown treasure balls after two secret room in the temple was opened after nearly 150 years was closed.

Top of this invention directly ruled the Indian Government safeguards against the temple Sree Padmanabhaswamy tight in the wake of the 16th century. Similar findings were also found last week at the Temple of Trivandrum in Kerala.

Four secret room in the temple turned out to save the treasure that is almost equal to the value found in the Temple of Sree Padmanabhaswamy. Many priceless treasures are stored neatly in the second temple this valuable.

Treasure was found, including statues of gods and goddesses made ​​of pure gold and studded with diamonds, rubies, emeralds and a few other precious stones. Also found also crown and jewelry given as gifts to the temple for centuries.

A large number of treasures that are found to make the officer no longer count per bag, no longer in the scales should be. The temple was built by the Maharaja of Travancore for centuries and continue to be protected by the royal family during the Indian independence from Britain in 1947 ago.

Now the police guard of the temple. The plan, high-tech security devices will also be installed around the temple area in order to maintain security.

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