
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lagarde, Alliot-Marie Most Popular for Premier Post, Poll Finds

Finance Minister Christine Lagarde and Justice Minister Michele Alliot-Marie are the most popular possible successors to Prime Minister Francois Fillon, a poll for Ouest France found.
Of those questioned, 42 percent supported Lagarde and 41 percent Alliot-Marie, the newspaper said. Jean-Francois Borloo, minister for the environment, obtained the support of 30 percent, according to the poll by Ifop.
“None of the figures tested by Ifop received the approval of a majority of French,” Ifop said in an e-mailed statement accompanying the results. “None of the ministers polled really appealed to those outside of supporters of the UMP” governing party.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy plans to reshuffle his cabinet in October after parliament considers his pension overhaul next month. The reorganization is aimed at “reenergizing” his support two years ahead of the next presidential campaign, Ifop said.
The poll was conducted among 957 people over 18 years of age in. No margin of error was given.

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