Have you ever thought that you are the smartest person in the world? Well, many have, and that's totally normal (regardless of whether you're right or not), but most people wonder who might be the Smartest Person in the World? According to Guinness Book of Records, Kim Ung Yonga 14-year-old (at the time) prodigy who was speaking four languages and solving integral calculus problems at age four, is said to tip the mental scales with an IQ of 210, which was scored on the Stanford-Binet test. There are other candidates for that title such as Marilyn Vos Savant, or Chris Langan, but they're argued by many to be less smart than what they're reported/ or claim to be.
There could be smarter people out there that no one even knows about, kids who are very smart but no one would value their mental abilities and eventually their high intelligence becomes dormant, also individuals so smart that they don't even need someone to know how smart they are, or they simply don't wish to bring attention to themselves either for fear for being alienated, picked on or exploited.
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