
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Internet Explorer Users Down in the Bottom 50 Percent

In September 2010, the mastery pasarbrowser Internet Explorer (IE) globally has dropped below 50 percent for the first time. Global StatCounter Stats discovered, Microsoft's market share fell to 49.87 percent of IE in September, followed by Firefox at 31.5 percent. Meanwhile, Google's Chrome share peningkatanmarket just posted a pretty fantastic, soared three-fold greater than the 3.69 percent in September 2009 to 11.54 percent in September 2010."This is the first milestone in the Internet browser wars," said Aodhan Cullen, CEO of StatCounter. Two years ago, added Cullen, IE still dominates the Internet browser market with 67 percent mastery.Microsoft's Agreements with the European Commission to provide an option for the EU and a number of Internet users browser options since last March has led the global market share of IE below 50 percent.In Europe, the market share IE has dropped to 40.26 percent in September 2010 from the same period last year which reached 46.44 percent. In North America, IE still dominates the market with the acquisition of 50 percent, namely 52.3 percent, followed by Firefox at 27.21 percent and 9.87 percent Chrome.In Indonesia, Firefox IE lags far behind that dominate the market by 78.65 percent in September 2010. IE is still lagging by Chrome that controls 9.91 percent. IE had to settle on third place with a market share of 6.48 percent, leaving only the master of Opera and Safari 3.46 percent at 1 percent.This past year, a fairly stable browser is Firefox. Compare with October 2009, Firefox controls 76.81 percent. The stability of the others are also seen in Safari, which in October 2009 and 1.05 percent control.Upward trend seen in Chrome, which in October 2009 and still control 3.05 percent. Meanwhile, the fate of Opera does not vary much with IE equally shrunk. In October 2009, Opera browsers dominate the market by 6.1 per cent and 12.69 per cent IE.

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